Celebrating Food & Volunteers at the Park Avenue Community Oven (VIDEO)

WARNING, the following video will probably make you hungry! The footage was recorded in Autumn 2015, during the last time the original Park Oven was used before being rebuilt. The video highlights our amazing volunteers as well as the versatility of the oven. Watch as our volunteers prepare pizzas, bake hand-pressed tortillas, cook in cast iron pans and roast meat directly on the coals!

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Park Oven Community Garden Compost Sale

A fact we’d like more people to know about is that we also organize a community garden and orchard within the Leighton Dillman Park at the  Dartmouth Commons. Indeed, for many years before the Park Oven was even an idea, some of our founding members helped to organize the community plots near the scenic gardens area of the commons. Both of these initiatives tie in beautifully with our mantra of Grow, Cook & Eat Together.

Compost Sale

We are happy to announce that will be selling compost for $3 per 5 US gal bucket. Buckets will be on hand for measuring but please bring your own bucket/bags if you are taking the compost off-site.

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